Deployment of Decentralised Renewable Energy Solutions
More than 80 million households across India — nearly 50 per cent of the country’s population- have little or no access to grid-based electricity and rely on kerosene as their primary source for lighting (IFC, 2015). Nearly double that number continue to use firewood and biomass for cooking. Expenditure on fuel and light by the urban and rural poor is the third highest expenditure after food and health, to the extent that poorer households spend up to 20 per cent of their income on energy....
Development of Training Infrastructure for Decentralized Solar PV
In response to the need for more and better quality training providers to cater to the human resource needs of the decentralized solar sector, CLEAN and AnthroPower initiated a project to ‘Develop training infra-structure for decentralized solar PV’, in January 2016. The primary objective of this project was to reduce entry barriers for technical training providers to start programs for decentralized solar PV installation and maintenance....
The energy needs of over 30% of the population in India without access and an even larger proportion that is underserved presents a huge market opportunity. However,there are few takers for this, given the challenging ecosystem in which they have to operate....
The evaluation of electricity access, using the multi-tier framework, paints a grim picture of the rural areas in the six states. On a scale of 0 to 100, the electricity index across the six states ranges from as low as 8.1 for Bihar to 41.8 for West Bengal....
The Cooking Energy Service Tool is a decision support tool developed by Ashden India Renewable Energy Collective (AIREC) to capture the priorities of all the relevant stakeholders for selection of the most appropriate solution. The decision support tool provides a mechanism that allows various cooking energy technologies to be compared on a common footing with respect to the quality of ‘service’ desired by the stakeholders and without any bias towards or against any one type of technology....
The Enterprising Sailors: Rural Entrepreneurs and Solar Distribution in Coastal India
Rural India faces a massive electricity shortage, which has had and will continue to have long standing side effects for the country. 300 million Indian people live in darkness. As a result of this shortage, the population of rural India face many hurdles that not only limit their quality of life, but also prevent them from integrating into the economy....
The 10 Questions to Ask Series, or the 10Qs Series, is an initiative of the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Electricity Governance Initiative (EGI) and Prayas Energy Group. Each paper in the series asks a set of 10 questions relevant to a particular topic within the broader electricity sector...
Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods in MNRE-UNDP-FRG Project Villages in Rajasthan and Uttarakhand: A Report
The MNRE-UNDP-FRG Renewable Energy for Livelihoods Project implemented in remote villages in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand demonstrates how renewable sources of energy can reduce poverty through improved quality of life and increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid....