Market Presence Of Off-Grid Lighting Products: Insights From A Study In Bihar And Odisha

Market Presence Of Off-Grid Lighting Products: Insights From A Study In Bihar And Odisha...

The Enterprising Sailors: Rural Entrepreneurs and Solar Distribution in Coastal India

Rural India faces a massive electricity shortage, which has had and will continue to have long standing side effects for the country. 300 million Indian people live in darkness. As a result of this shortage, the population of rural India face many hurdles that not only limit their quality of life, but also prevent them from integrating into the economy....

Business innovation and diffusion of off-grid solar technologies in India

India is a country where 300 million people still live without access to formal electricity, and where hundreds of millions more livewith irregular supply through the existing grid network. This paper examines business innovation in the diffusion of off-grid solar technologies in India....

The State of The Off-Grid Appliance Market

The global off-grid appliance market is critical for increasing access to electricity and services. Over two billion people worldwide lack access to reliable electricity. Renewable energy technologies, especially solar, are helping bridge this gap....

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