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Best Alternate Energy Solutions

Global Expertise & Quality Power

Who We AreWho We Are


Transforming lives through Decentralized Renewable Energy

Decentralized renewable energy (DRE) refers to a system that uses renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass to provide reliable and CLEAN energy to meet the energy needs of a community for residential and small-scale commercial purposes in a localized way.

Here is another definition to make it clearer.

Vezzoli et al. defines DRE as small-scale energy generation units (structure), at or near the point of use, where the users are the producers—whether individuals, small businesses and/or local communities. These production units could be stand-alone or could be connected to nearby others through a network to share, i.e., to share the energy surplus. In the latter case, they become locally distributed energy networks, which may, in turn, be connected with nearby similar networks.

clean energy
clean energy
clean energy
Features We Have Which Enhance Us

CLEAN In Focus


Enhance The Energy Production


In the last few years, there have been a number of initiatives targeted at creation of alliances and networks catering to the challenges of the off-grid sector.

clean energy

Financial Institution

Enhance The Energy Production

clean energy

Financial Institution

The database has been created to provide details about the various financial products that the investors offer.

clean energy


Enhance The Energy Production

clean energy


This section provides users with financial assistance by offering financial opportunities and business opportunities.

Help Us For The Clean Energy Revolution

Foundation Partner

CLEAN was setup as a program in 2014, by its charter members which include The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, SELCO Foundation, GIZ, UN Foundation, WWF India, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), Ashden India Renewable Energy Collective, The Climate Group (TCG), The Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation and Indian Renewable Energy Federation (IREF)..


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+91-76830 47824
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Using Innovative And Natural For Energy

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Sustainable Systems
Turbine Energy
Renewable Energy
Mission and VisionMission And Vision

“We believe in the right collaboration to save the earth - For its People”

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CLEAN is a non-profit organization, committed to support, unify and grow the Decentralised Renewable energy enterprises in India.

Our primary focus is on rural and underprivileged communities where reliable, affordable and CLEAN energy plays a unique role in accelerating social, environmental and economic development .