Grassroots Energy's innovative biomethane Solution offers a sustainable energy option for the agricultural sector

Grassroots Energy's innovative biomethane Solution offers a sustainable energy option for the agricultural sector

More than ever there is a need for reliable, local and renewable energy solutions for agriculture. In many cases, waste from agricultural activities can be processed into biomethane or 'BioCNG' (enriched from Biogas), a high-quality clean fuel that can be used for cooking, transportation and agricultural machinery to improve the energy access.

Grassroots Energy has developed a low-cost energy efficient technology that can purify and compress biogas into BioCNG in a cost-effective manner. BioCNG is an ultra-clean, ultra-lowcarbon natural gas solution processed from organic wastes that can be used for cooking, mobility and electricity generation. Grassroots Energy’s approach is decentralized, modular and energy efficient to be deployed in remote locations to serve the underserved communities.

The scale-down model of the existing solutions is modular, flexible and energy efficient. The modular system uses a patent pending rotating contact disc (RCD) mass-exchanger can operate at atmospheric pressure with better efficacy and reduced pressure drop. The proprietary solvent results in 3X solubility for CO2 over water.

In addition, Grassroots Energy has designed an absorbed gas cylinder (ANG) with 3X reduction in storage pressure, lower power consumption for compression, cylinders are lighter and easier to transport, the safety requirements are minimized. RCD and ANG storage together has lower capex and consumes less energy, an industry benchmark for cost, energy efficiency and performance.

The residue from operations is processed into organic fertilizer which sequestrates carbon to improve farm yields. The circular economy model creates greater environmental, economic value for community and businesses.

Key features

  • Each module generating biomethane displaces 4500kg CO2 per year
  • No non-renewable resources consumed or used in production
  • Water used in production is recycled


  • Payback period in under 4 years
  • Cost savings of 25-35% compared to mainstream alternative

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